Friday, October 21, 2022

Feeling Fallish, Allergies and Learning to Walk All Over Again

 It is feeling fallish here in NTexas even though we are supposed to have a warming trend over the weekend.  It won’t last though as our weather has truly changed.  I am enjoying it because autumn is my favorite season and it doesn’t last long enough here.

I am getting used to wearing the new orthopedic shoes along with new orthotic inserts.  I will say I think it is helping — my feel feel better and I managed to make a Target run yesterday without my hip cramping up.  I think my knees might feel better but the jury is still out on that.  Having to wear these shoes is forcing me to change some things around here — I am no longer able to just walk around in loungewear, barefooted and all undone.  I am having to get up and pull myself together because if I think these shoes look icky with jeans I am sure I won’t like them with a nightie or pajamas.  So, I am starting my day ready for my day — Flylady throw back!  I did notice when I took my shoes off last night that my toes were less swollen so that is a good thing.

Trixie doesn’t quite understand my fascination with the foxes and I think she feels a bit left out of things.  She was a bit miffed that I hadn’t published a photo of her new hair “do”.  So, here she is in all her glory —it is a #2 clip all over and I think she looks just ravishing.

And, speaking of the foxes — yesterday my daughter picked up the Bean after school, walked out the front door to her car and immediately phoned me and said “Mom, there is a fox laying on the driveway”.  I thought maybe it was in front or back of her car, blocking her exit but no, it was inside the gate so she took a photo of a sleeping Bam.  Now we have talked about these foxes for months and months now but she seemed genuinely awestruck by the fact that it was curled up like a dog and then, when it noticed her, it stretched out like a dog and continued it’s sunbath.  She thought it was going to run off because she disturbed it but the fox stuck around for a photo session with my husband.  I told him what was going on so he went out to the garage, stood behind the car and shot about 24 pics of Bam actually posing for him — so here you go for your viewing pleasure —

So there you go — our Bam enjoying the lovely fall weather — her tail is getting really fluffy so I think she is putting on her winter coat.  She never goes too far away,  I don’t think, which is good but I am afraid she is becoming domesticated and that isn’t good for a wild animal.  

Today I am going to test out my new shoes and how long I can stay on my feet to get a few things done around here.  I really need to do some closet cleaning and I guess I need to pass on several pairs of shoes that I won’t be wearing anymore.  So, I am going to give that a go.  A little laundry perhaps.  There are charity shop bins at all the schools for clothes an household items donation — one right as we pull into the parking lot at Bean’s school — so that is an easy thing.  Hopefully I can fill at least one bag today — that is a start.  

So, it is Friday! Have a wonderful weekend!


Granny Marigold said...

I was smiling as I imagined orthopedic shoes worn with PJ's. Glad they seem to be helping.

Granny Marigold said...

I was sure I had left a comment yesterday but maybe I forgot to press Publish? Stranger things have happened. Anyway, I'm glad you're getting used to wearing orthopedic shoes and more importantly....they seem to help!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi Granny Marigold! It is a vision, isn’t it. So far my feet are feeling pretty good and I think it might be making a difference with my knees. I wish I could take the glucosamine that they suggested but since I have a shellfish sensitivity they said it was best to just forego that option. One thing about the orthopedic shoes is that they have forced me back to my Flylady days of getting dressed to my shoes every morning. I have to say that getting up and being ready for the day does improve my outlook on almost everything.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...