After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.
Well, I have been away. Not really “away” but just not here. I have been playing a bit of catch up with myself.
In the last month there have been two deaths in my family. One was totally unexpected, out of the blue and completely shocking and soul shaking. The other not so unexpected because the person had been ill, however she didn’t pass due to the illness, it was something else. I still can’t get my head around the sudden loss of the first person — I am a believer, I should be able to understand this and I do but it is still hard to come to terms with. The second person, well, she had been going through a really hard cancer journey and I am totally convinced this was God’s way of saving her from having to endure more of that. Does that make sense? To me that is the only explanation that does.
Our backyard foxes have all but disappeared. Bam, our little girl, left and has never come home. I hope she found her true love and is living her best life. The possum had babies and we seem to have an over load of cats — most domestic — one, not so much —
I have only seen this bobcat once and once is enough — it was large and didn’t really belong in my back yard.
The weather has been lovely — sort of an early spring but now it has become cold again. I don’t like cold. It makes me hurt and it seems that my arthritis has been worse since my covid adventure — I have been googling to see if that is a “thing” and it seems it might be. Does anybody know?
So, today seems to be a good day to do laundry. I am all sniffly, thank you mountain cedar, and I am not in a very good mood so laundry it is.
Hopefully the day will improve. It does appear the sun is coming out. Yay!.
It's hard to accept when friends or family members die especially when it's not expected. I'm sorry that's what has happened to you. Take time to grieve, it's a necessary step.
I wouldn't be comfortable with a bobcat in my yard either. I hope it was just passing through and won't come back.
I hope your day got better as it progressed!!
Hi Granny! Yes this has been an unsettling month. And the bobcat hasn’t been back, that I know if, thank goodness. I sort of miss little Bam but honestly, if all the wildlife vanished it would be ok with me! The day has improved, thank you.
I agree when some people pass unexpectedly it can hurt more than people who have been ill a while. My aunt passed away before Christmas, although I was sad, as I said to my dad (his sister) it was a blessing as she had been housebound for the past couple of years. She was just surviving, not living a full life.
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