Friday, February 03, 2023

One Day at a Time — Finally some sun

 Marking myself safe from the icepocolypse that has been North Texas for a week.  Hopefully by this afternoon we will be able to function like normal people again.  I don’t have photos because I have been spending the week ignoring it.  

Now, moving my mind toward a bathroom re-do — minimal — we have two toned red stripe wallpaper with a border of regal proportion with tassels and flourishes.  It is dreadful.  However, I believe the paper has become one with the wall and will be there forever.  So, I am going to re-accessorize.  

Keeping my mind busy.

I hate winter.


Kim said...

I'm glad you survived the ice and that the sun is out. Miraculous sunshine! Not enough of it this winter. Hope you get your wallpaper situation worked out!

Granny Marigold said...

We tried painting right over wallpaper and it seems to have worked. Taking it off is too big a job.

Pom Pom said...

Your bathroom sounds fancy! One time I was using a friend's powder room and I thought,"I think she spent more money decorating this little room than I have spent "decorating" my entire house!" It had LOTS of fabric and heavy wallpaper, gold fixtures, lots of accessories, and other stuff. But now, I bet the current owner of that grand home has redecorated it. Hang in there, BB! It'll warm up soon!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Thanks, Kim! I have to say the pandemic trained me well for the icepocolypse! I had plenty to do here and since everything was closed everybody was in their places so I didn’t have to worry too much! It really wasn’t all that awful.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Granny! That is exactly what we might have to do because this paper is original, the house is about 20 years old and it appears that whoever installed it did a really permanent job! There isn’t a lot of texture to it so I am thinking paint is going to be the way to go.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi Pom Pom — I am sure that whoeve did the decorating thought it was fancy but it is just not to my taste. I am a much more neutral person. I am not a minimalist but I do like calm and this bathroom is anything but calm — however, it does wake you up in the morning!

What’s Up for the New Week —

 It is Saturday and it appears we are emerging from the arctic freeze we have been experiencing.  I am sure I have mentioned here that I am ...