Tuesday, February 07, 2023

One Day at a Time — About Hobbies

 I urge you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me. 

Well, the ice is over, it is mild again and today we could have rain.  I don’t really think we need rain because the ice pretty much watered everything but who am I to say anything — there will be a time that we will be glad we got it because it does get dry here during the summer.
My allergies are giving me problems.  I haven’t checked Pollen.com to see what is going on — probably still the Mountain Cedar and the elm.  Both give me problems.  Nothing new here.
I watched a video on youtube the other day about the importance of hobbies.  The lady talking  was talking, mainly, about hobbies you would associate with women but not necessarily — I know men who have done embroidery and women who have done woodworking so it wasn’t restrictive or sexist. I started thinking about my hobbies and I have pretty much narrowed it down to three — 
Reading — I love to read.  I have always loved to read.  It takes me places I will never get to go and meet people that I will never meet, some that I would like to and some I would have no use for! Haha!  Now that I am using a kindle, reading is even more enjoyable because I can really take it with me wherever I go and I can change the font/lighting/etc to suit my aging eyes.  Yes, I would say that reading is my favorite hobby.
Cross Stitch — I love art but can’t draw so I do what I can and, to me, cross stitch is thread painting.  I love to watch an image emerge from a blank piece of fabric and a chart with non-sensical icons.  I like to change colors around to suit me and now that I am framing my pieces in hoops and hanging them on the gallery wall on the stairs, I feel a great accomplishment there.  I really do enjoy small pieces.  I like small.  Any drawing I do is small and the needlework is small.  
Coloring — Again, I love art and while I can’t really draw — I can color.  I have always loved to color — right up there with reading.  My dad was an artist and I loved to watch how he painted his comic book covers and the colors he used and he knew just where to shade — it was magic to me.

Here is a very fuzzy copy of one of his covers — the original hangs in my husbands study (it used to hang in his office) because the cover depicts a mad scientist and my husband is/was a scientist so you can see where this is going.  In any event, I love to color so I have picked that back up again.
This is the coloring book I am using right now —Johanna Basford does the loveliest books —

And these are the tools I am using —

I ordered the Bambino crayons and they haven’t arrived yet, coming from the UK but I am anxious to try them because they are clay based rather than wax based and I have heard they are really lovely to use.  Maybe as I progress I will post some of my pages.
So, what are your hobbies?  I know many of you make cards and craft — I love making cards as well but right now I need to replenish my supplies as I ran out of a lot of stuff during the pandemic and just sort of stopped.  I know many people quilt — I loved it too back in the day — but I am finding that as I age I need to do short term, smaller projects that don’t put too much stress on the joints and such.  I would love to hear about what you do and see some examples — I always enjoy seeing beautiful things!
I will say that during our stretch of bad weather, my mind has been on overtime which is never a good thing — it makes me cross and snappy and I tend to hyper focus on things.
So, what is holding my brain hostage this time?  Well…..
Genetic memory.  Celtic Christianity.  DNA and how it REALLY affects us.  And no, I don’t understand anything about DNA and I often wonder why I even took the test.  And…the God gene.  
So, that is a subject for later conversation.  If you have any views on any of those things, let me know because I am really interested and mostly confused but then, that happens to me a lot!
Have a wonderful Tuesday lovely ladies!


Granny Marigold said...

Yes, I do think it's important to have hobbies. You've chosen 3 good ones. I used to read more but now my eyes get tired and gritty quickly so I can't read as much as I'd like. Same for doing cross stitch and jigsaw puzzles. I do enjoy my many houseplants ( I suppose that could be called a hobby) and in growing season I enjoy my outdoor plants. Baking is a hobby that I mostly enjoy but have to watch the cakes and such that I love....too fattening.

Kim said...

I know what you mean about bad weather making you cross and hyper-focused. Me, too! I think it's just the low light. I'm much better when it's sunny.

You have lots of fun hobbies! I put my card-making aside for now. I just don't have a good work space to do it in. It requires a lot of room. Looking for a good desk or table big enough (and pretty) to work on. Till then I love little projects like cross stitching and hand embroidery.

Take care and have a good day, my dear!

Kim said...

Btw, your father was quite talented!

Gill - That British Woman said...

I am doing cross stitch at the moment. Posted my latest Harry Potter bookmarks for the kids today.

You should look for the British Cross Stitch Magazine "The World of Cross Stitching," it's really good and has lots of little projects in it. All British magazines are good in my opinion though!!!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Kim — thank you.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Gill — yes, I really like the British magazines and buy them whenever I find myself at Barnes and Noble. I did see your book marks and they were really good! I like doing book marks as well because they are useful!

Angela said...

Thank you for the mention of Bambino crayobs. I'd never heard of them. They look like just the thing I need for our church Easter Club. I've ordered a pack to try out. Will review on my blog once they arrive

What’s Up for the New Week —

 It is Saturday and it appears we are emerging from the arctic freeze we have been experiencing.  I am sure I have mentioned here that I am ...