Sunday, June 18, 2023

Listen to the Radio

 Does anybody here still listen to the radio?  By radio I mean the kind that sits on the kitchen counter or you can carry in your hand, plug in or batteries, with a tuning dial and volume control?

Ever since I decided to be rebellious and actually buy a DVD of a program I want to watch rather than subscribe to yet another streaming channel, I have been thinking about what life USED to be like before technology made everything so dang complicated.

Sitting here scrolling for hours through facebook, or looking at Pinterest, or instagram I started thinking about life back in the day.  What did we do? Well, we had three channels on the tv and a pair of rabbit ears.  If there was nothing on there was nothing on, we didn’t subscribe to more channels — there were no more channels.  So, we listened to the radio.

I remember waking up in the morning with the radio on.  My dad was in the radio business — he was an announcer and a disc jockey until he went into television announcing - so we always had the radio on.  I remember when I had the measles and couldn’t watch tv I had the radio.  I listened to “Baby Snooks” reruns as well as “Amos and Andy” — I know, socially unacceptable, I apologize — but it was good.  When those weren’t on I listened to popular music — I loved “Stagger Lee”.  The radio got me through the most miserable two weeks of my life - well, until I got the mumps! 

Before I married, when I was still at home with my parents, we ended the night listening to Mystery Theater and this was in 1972! Loved it!

I occurred to me today that I no longer listen to the radio.  Even in the car.  What in the world happened to the radio?  So…..

I resurrected my Radio Shack weather radio.  That should tell you how old it is — at least 18 years old — and it doesn’t tune in much but I am having fun listening to the radio!  I am shopping for a new one even though I have a Grace digital internet radio and a Bose sound wave — we never use them.  I don’t know why, I guess it is just easier to jump on the internet and google.  

I have no explanation but I am thinking that it is time to get back to basics.  Of course, when I was a big listener I was living in San Antonio and we had some great radio stations.  I haven’t found the same thing here in DFW but if I have to I will fire up the digital radio but I think the radio is going to be a regular part of my day from now on.


Granny Marigold said...

I don't listen to the radio any more, in fact I don't listen to my CD's any more either. It seems I prefer silence. I really enjoy the quiet.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I understand completely! I sat here with my little radio on some 70’s tunes and it was fun for a bit but then it just got to be noise! I am glad I didn’t order a new one!

Reels, Realization and Reminisences

 I will admit, I am sort of obsessed with the “reels” on Facebook.  I love to see the dogs and the little kids and the older lady with a 12 ...