Monday, June 19, 2023

Noah’s Deck

 I call our backyard deck “Noah’s Deck” because of the vast amount of wildlife out there — usually in pairs.  Well, we have a possum that has been injured and now has a non-functional back leg.  We have cameras outside to capture the activity which I usually view early in the morning on my phone.  At 4:07 there was a clip of our gimpy possum struggling to get down the steps and she just looked scraggly.  Not good at all.  So, I looked at the clip on my tablet where the image is better and I was very surprised to learn that what I thought was a sick possum was really a mama with 5 babies on her back!  She was struggling a bit but doing a good job and I learned a lesson from her — I am going to remember her whenever I have the urge to complain about the little aggravations of life!


Granny Marigold said...

A life lesson from a Mama Possum. Who would think that was possible?

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi Granny! I know. I feel so bad for her but she seems to be trucking right along.

Reels, Realization and Reminisences

 I will admit, I am sort of obsessed with the “reels” on Facebook.  I love to see the dogs and the little kids and the older lady with a 12 ...