Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Coming to Terms

 The Facebook hijacking has left me frazzled.  It shouldn’t have affected me as much as it did but it did.  There is nothing I can do about it, I have lost control of my main page and the two groups I administrated. I feel violated and robbed.  I have reported it to all the proper authorities and there is nothing left to do but rebuild a new account which I am doing.  I am doing it very slowly as well.  Some of my friends I can’t get back and it is making me sad.  Maybe Facebook was too big a part of my day.

Thinking about it I realized that is wasn’t the people or content that was the draw for me but rather the scrolling — scrolling through pages and pages of content, most of it meaningless, just to have something to do, a time suck if you will.  That can’t be healthy.  I mean, losing it left me in a bit of a muddle.  I abandoned my anxiety journal for a few days which is what kept me on track, it made me feel isolated and lost neither of which I truly am.  So, in a way, getting hacked was a wake up call — priorities, Melissa, priorities.

So, in the meantime I reconnected with Pinterest — I am able to scroll there and see all sorts of beautiful and uplifting things.  I have become reconnected with my blog and have even found some new blogs to follow.  Am I isolated?  No, because I have all my “old” bloggy friends (Granny Marigold and Mary!!) to chat with and it is comforting.  

What is disturbing is how much energy and attention is put on social media but we are social creatures, aren’t we?  And social media sites are just a very convenient way to fuel that need, especially in troubled times like covid.  Well, that is all fine and good but I think it needs to be kept in perspective.  

I will be paying more attention to my blog now and my anxiety journal and I am simply loving Pinterest right now.  It is  spurring me on to gather my cross stitch supplies and start again, and my drawing pencils and start some sketches.  Who knows, I might even begin card making again — there are so many great cards out there!

So, while the hijacking might have seemed earth shattering at the time, right now it seems like sort of a blessing in disguise.  We just never know, do we?


Granny Marigold said...

I can't imagine dealing with the problems you've had with Face Book. I hope you get it sorted out. I like Pinterest a lot and depend on it to get me in sleeping mode every evening. There's something hypnotic about scrolling through pretty pictures.
It's good to know you're going back to your journalling.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Oh Granny, it has been a nightmare and I have told my children that if it ever happens again I am done with FB. Pinterest has my attention right now — I just love looking at all the seasonal decor that I will never do! I can live vicariously! Yes, I think the journal is a big part of my day now. Thank for dropping by!

Checking In

 Hi all! Just checking in.  On Wednesday I had a second cardiac ablation.  All went well and I am doing what I have been told — sit down, be...