Thursday, September 07, 2023

Changes Coming?

 I read a headline on google this morning that the first real cold front is coming to Texas next week! We will see! That probably means temps in the mid 90’s which is laughable but I will take it.  I have felt a detectable change in the air the last couple of mornings but nothing significant yet.

The spooky season is upon us and the Target discount section is chock full of goodies.  I managed to not buy anything yesterday which is good — I am not great with seasonal decor — but my daughter is doing a good job of tiny vignettes all around her house.  Just enough to be festive but not enough to make you read minimalists inspiration articles.  I might chose a spot and do something.  Maybe.

I did manage to drag myself upstairs yesterday to retrieve my cross stitch bag.  I had been working on the piece I bought in Williamsburg, the Governors Palace, and I thought I had lost the pattern but I found it and all the thread and I am ready to commence work on it.  It is a lovely pattern, bright colors, and not too large but it is a small count fabric which gives my eyes a workout but I have my special light and magnifiers so I am good to go.  I can’t wait to get started.  Here is a photo of the work in progress —

I know, hard to see much but wrinkled fabric however maybe soon it will be more impressive.  Time will tell.

I have been wanting to get back into sketching.  I am by no means an artist but it is a stress reliever.  I like to doodle — small little things.  I used this doodle as my cover photo for, ugh, Facebook.

A friend of mine, who was a friend of my Dad’s, showed me how to improve on it  The guy’s name is Sam and he spent time with my artist father when he was a teenager and now he is an artist of merit on his own.  I think I might have a tutor!! I sure could use one.

I am going to work on this today and see if I can improve it — It doesn’t look like it would take too much.

I have been on Pinterest quite a bit and I love looking at all the things they have to offer for my viewing pleasure.  I especially love the needle felted critters.  Such talent and patience.  I don’t have either. But they are lovely.

Today we have a doctors appointment downtown so that will take a good portion of the day.  Then we have to tend to Grandpuppy Olive.  We go over occasionally and play and today is a play day.  She loves us and we love her.  Trixie, however, doesn’t love her! I need to work on that.

Still reading “The Beach House at Amelia Island”.  It is going much faster than my last read and is fairly engaging.  However, it needs to pick up the pace a bit, so far the narrative has barely taken us out of a hospital room and I am almost half done!  It will get better I am sure.

So, that is ist for this Thursday morning.  I am up early with ice on my gimpy knee.  I have been icing lately and it is helpful.  So have a wonderful day! TTUL!


Pom Pom said...

Hi BB! Olive is lovely! We need more Trixie pics!
I like your cross stitch and I really LOVE your sketch!
I hope the coolness is upon you soon. We are looking forward to coolness in Colorado.

Billie Jo said...

Hello! I am so happy to meet you here! Your sketching is amazing! My daughter Flynn loves to sketch and is also very good at it. Unfortunately, I am not! LOL, I hope you are having a cozy day. I will visit again soon!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi Pom Pom! Thank you!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Welcome, Billie Jo! Stop by anytime!

Granny Marigold said...

I used to do needlepoint or maybe it was just cross stitch. Either way I can't see well enoughh to do it any more. I like your sketch and I hope you'll keep at it. A tutor would be a good thing.

Checking In

 Hi all! Just checking in.  On Wednesday I had a second cardiac ablation.  All went well and I am doing what I have been told — sit down, be...