Thursday, September 07, 2023

The Trixster

 Four years ago I decided I needed a new dog.  I hadn’t had one for about 14 years, swearing after I lost Tessie that I wouldn’t have anymore.  However, for some reason, I decided to adopt a little Yorkie from a breeder in a nearby town.  She brought the babe to me, we met at a Petsmart to visit and I came home with a little five month old ball of fuzz.

Four years later finds me with this little monster!

You can barely see her because she is deep in a nap curled up next to her pillows.

The breeder told me, when I contacted her about the litter, that this one (called Miss Suzy Q) would probably top out at about 8 lbs.  She was tracking to be larger.  And I changed her name to Trixie.


Last visit to the vet had her at almost 18 lb.  They don’t call her a “toy” breed anymore, they don’t even call her a “small” dog anymore — she is a medium dog and I had to buy her a new harness because she outgrew her old one.  She is almost 20” around her chest.  She has to wear a “medium” in clothing.

Also, her ears won’t stand up.  They are flop ears.  Honestly she looks more like a bear than a Yorkie.  

But, we love her.

I am her groomer these days because her last visit to the groomer she has always gone to found her with a really severe case of razor burn and her neck cut.  I don’t care if she does look like a bear, I am not going to pay $100/month to have her injured.  So, that is one more hat I am wearing.

Trixie is the most out of spec pure bred dog I have ever seen.

But, we love her.

Here are some more pics of the little (ok, not little) hot mess — she’s just a baby!


Granny Marigold said...

Wow! Trixie turned out to be bigger than the breeder estimated. She blends in so well with the black couch. She's a cutie.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Yes, she is my giant yorky! She is still really short though! I talked to the breeder a few months ago to find out if she knew why Trixie was so big and she said no but several other clients had let her know their dogs had grown to larger sizes than anticipated so it must just be something in their gene pool. I read about it and there can be larger dogs way down the line and sometimes you can have a throw back several generations later. But, we love her!

Checking In

 Hi all! Just checking in.  On Wednesday I had a second cardiac ablation.  All went well and I am doing what I have been told — sit down, be...