Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Books —

 I don’t usually have so much trouble finding books to read or staying with something but at the moment I am sort of waivering in my choices.

I don’t usually purchase books because I use Kindle Unlimited but I did purchase “Small Angels” because, well, the cover and you know how I am about covers.

I. Can’t. Stay. With. It.

So I start the Nic Saint Max mysteries.

Lighthearted.  Funny.  Easy Read.

Can’t. Stay. With. It.

I had borrowed several books on empathy, highly sensitive persons, things of that nature but I have returned them because — repeat after me —

Can’t. Stay. With. It.

Clearly I am in a reading slump.  I think partly because my schedule has changed a bit.  I had been retiring at 9 p.m. and reading but I am discovering that I don’t sleep as well as I do if I go to bed about ten.  The problem with that is that I am sleepy at 10 and my reading, well, just doesn’t happen.  So, I am going to have to find a new time to read.  I like to read about an hour a day. I am thinking after lunch is a good time.  I will have to try it out.

I have to say that my television viewing has sort of interfered but that is another post.  Do you watch “Yellowstone”?  “Heartland”?  More later.

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Book Banning

 Hi, all!  How are all my bloggy friends this almost-autumn-Wednesday morning?  I am doing well — had a lengthy bout of aFib yesterday so do...