Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Garden Center — So Out of My Comfort Zone

 I am not an outdoorsy person.  I am not a gardener.  Growing up I was allergic to all things outdoors and my mother had a yard service so I am severely lacking in interest and desire to do anything yard-y.  I do love to look at everybody’s yard though, they are so lovely.

I have a problem with our yard.  It is huge.  It is long and narrow.  The patio right off the house is too small and the deck, which is home to the foxes and possum, is too inconvenient.  So, between all of that and the fact that I get all allergy ridden if I stay out too long, it just isn’t my gig.  My husband, however, doesn’t mind tinkering in the yard but we are getting older and he isn’t quite as strong and able as he once was so our interaction with the yard is very basic. 

The previous owners plants photinias all along the back fence.  There re at least 50 of them out there and some of them have some sort of virus and we are losing them.  They are huge and he is having to take them out as they die and they need to be replaced with something.  I don’t like large shrubs - it is a security thing with me, plus they are really hard to trim when they are so tall.  So, we went to the Garden Center to look around.

I didn’t walk around the plant area but they have a fantastic gift area.  At the front they have all the fall/Halloween decor and toward the back they have all the Christmas stuff.  It is all gorgeous and I could have spent a fortune there.

And this is what I bought —

A little ceramic pumpkin with an LED candle inside.  Everything “fall” was on sale for 25% off.  That ws a good thing because this little pumpkins is, well, little.  So, it is going on my dining table.  I will show you later.

Then we went for a burger and now we are home and need naps.  We seem to always need a nap these days.

I decided to sign Trixie up for food delivery from Farmer’s Dog.  She seems to like eating people food just fine but doesn’t want to eat her dog food — this has been her habit all her life but I don’t cook for us, I sure don’t need to cook for doggo so we will see how it goes.  I am sure we won’t continue past the first box.  Sigh.

Have a wonderful weekend all!


Granny Marigold said...

I like your pretty pumpkin with its LED light. I noticed that one of our plant shops has lots of pretty things, the other one has plants and not much else ( except maybe lower prices.)
Sorry about your allergies.

Pom Pom said...

Hi BB! You make me want to visit the garden store so I can check out the seasonal decor! Trixie deserves treats because she is such a cutie patootie!
I like your pumpkin! Naps are the BEST!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi Granny! I don’t really like to do seasonal decor too much but I did like that cute little pumpkin.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi Pom Pom! Thanks for your kind words about Trixie and my pumpkin. You are right = naps are great!

Book Banning

 Hi, all!  How are all my bloggy friends this almost-autumn-Wednesday morning?  I am doing well — had a lengthy bout of aFib yesterday so do...