Monday, October 30, 2023

Farmer’s Dog —Maybe Trixie is Just a City Dog

 Ok, so am doing a trial run of Farmer’s Dog for Trixie.  They sent 16 days of food, four packets, a fourth of a packet per day — I split that into two meals.  It is very little food.  I mean, after I split her daily ration into two meals, put it in the dish, mix a little warm water to warm it up — you can still see the bottom of the dish.  I know she isn’t a large dog and doesn’t need to eat copious amounts of food and she is already chonky but….

She liked the beef ok but she really doesn’t care for the chicken.  I am having a problem getting her to do much more than sniff at it.  She is in the habit of sharing my oatmeal in the morning but, before the FD, she wasn’t eating it well either but today was an oatmeal sort of day (39 degrees outside). So I gave her a couple of spoonfuls — three times — and she wanted more.  How do I know?

She brings me the bowl.  I decided she didn’t need a 4th refill though and now she is mad at me — I won’t give her more and I have now taken the bowl away from her.  And….

I am thinking of cancelling the subscription to Farmer’s Dog.  It is really pricey and I really don’t like having to coax her to eat — I can do that with Fresh Pet which is cheaper.

Sigh — today is her followup appointment for her emergency room visit.  Now we have to discuss the possible collapsed trachea.  What a way to start the week.  

Have a good one folks! I will let you know what the vet says.


Billie Jo said...

Trixie is a cutie! May I ask what kind of dog she is? I hope things go well at your appointment and you are home for a cozy afternoon soon!

Granny Marigold said...

I hope the news from the vet is good news.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Granny! Well, the news wasn’t great but not dreadful either.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Billie Jo! Thank you! Trixie is a giant Yorkshire Terrier. The breeder expected her to top out at 8 pounds - she weighs 18. She isn’t silky, she is cottony. Her hair isn’t straight and long, it is short and curly. She is parti colored. She is perfectly imperfect!

Book Banning

 Hi, all!  How are all my bloggy friends this almost-autumn-Wednesday morning?  I am doing well — had a lengthy bout of aFib yesterday so do...