Friday, October 27, 2023

Our First Trip to Petco - and maybe our last

 I fired Trixie’s groomer since she kept getting hurt.  I took her to Petco yesterday and the experience was much better.  However, the stylist is concerned she has a collapsed trachea so we will discuss that during our follow up appointment Monday at the vet — following up to the ER visit.

If she does, in fact, have a collapsed trachea (which I think she does) she won’t be going back to Petco because they won’t work on her unless I bring a doctor’s note saying it is ok for them to groom her.  Sigh.  Our vet does a lot of grooming “things” but they don’t cut hair.  If they did, that is where she would go.  Anyway, that is how the grooming went.

Here she is sleeping it off and since they shaved her ears and took all the long hair off she can now get one to stand up.  Just one.  But that is how it was when she was just a baby.  Just one.  But that is ok.

She did a little shopping at Petco and came home with this —

Appropriate, don’t you think, considering the foxes in the yard.  They don’t get toys.  Just eggs.  And treats.  She loves these Kong Wubba toys, they are great for tug and she can chew on them for a long time before their body parts fall off.

We have started her on Farmer’s Dog food service.  I will probably have to mortgage the house to keep it up but so far so good.  Today was day three and she was turning up her nose at breakfast.  I thought “what did I do wrong”?  Well, I added a bit of kibble and fed it straight out of the fridge.  WRONG, Mama! I had to pick the kibble out of the food and warm it with a little warm water and then she was good to go.  

Sheesh.  Yes, I know, spoiled!

On our Target run this morning I finally remembered to get her allergy eye drops.  She does have a problem with allergies and her eyes get very irritated.  So, the vet wants me to use this —

I have tried putting eye drops in her eyes before and I will say, it isn’t pretty.  So, I will wait until she goes to sleep and try then.  I am sure they will help because her eyes do give her problems.  I also have some gel stuff to use on them — she does better with that if you can imagine. 

So, it looks like we have Trixie all sorted out.  I am anxious to see what the vet says about her trachea but that is Monday.  I really hope I can take her back to Petco because it was convenient and nice and they did a good job.  We will see.


Granny Marigold said...

Hopefully she doesn't have a trachea problem. It sounds difficult to fix.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Granny! My cairn terrier, Tessie, had the same issue — think it goes along with little terriers — and I don’t think it is fixable.

Book Banning

 Hi, all!  How are all my bloggy friends this almost-autumn-Wednesday morning?  I am doing well — had a lengthy bout of aFib yesterday so do...