Friday, October 20, 2023

Trixie Update

 Yesterday was better, Trixie seemed to be back to her normal self — almost.  She takes her meds (Amoxicillan) beautifully in her favorite thing — pill pockets and I haven’t had to give her anymore gabapentin.

But, she still seems under the weather and is off her food.  Well, except for the plain pasta I was hand feeding her last night.  She eats Fresh Pet and Purina One kibble (and I am trying out a bit of Blue kibble too, it isn’t going well).  She doesn’t want any of it so now I am cooking chicken and rice.  Never mind carrots because she removes them.

So, we will see how it goes.  I hope she is a little perkier soon.  She is drinking water though and sleeping a whole lot.  If she isn’t better by Monday we will be making a visit to her regular vet.

And then I have to find a new groomer.

Sigh — with kids — it is never ending.


Granny Marigold said...

Well, it's good news that Trixie is feeling somewhat better but still, it will be a relief when she gets back to her old self.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I am sure it is like anything else, she will have to take the entire round of antibiotics and then she will be normal. I will take her back to her regular vet for a followup and then I have to make her a grooming appt because I can’t see her eyes any more. I thought I could do it myself but my back won’t let me so off we go to break in somebody new!

Book Banning

 Hi, all!  How are all my bloggy friends this almost-autumn-Wednesday morning?  I am doing well — had a lengthy bout of aFib yesterday so do...