Thursday, November 30, 2023

Seasonal Decor — Love it, hate it or straddling the fence?

 For me I am firmly on that fence.

I look at all the places — Pinterest, Facebook, blogs — and I see beautiful almost professionally done decorating for all the holidays.  I open my front door and look down the road and my eyes are attacked by something that, clearly, the Griswolds designed.  

I love the gorgeous, can’t stand the tacky so where does that put me?

Well, I was thinking about that this morning.  Being a mid-century child, I didn’t grow up with any of this sort of “fluff”.  It just didn’t seem to be done at the time — possibly a string of lights across the roof or a wreath on the door but that was not the norm.  My mother never strung lights and she never hung a wreath.

We had a Christmas tree, in the early days they were real until we realized they made us sick, and of course, we had the fabulous aluminum tree of the time — it was a real hazard too.  We had a box full of ornaments that I have no idea where they came from but they weren’t new. One year by mother found a really cute little Santa doll with a sweet face, she bought it, and it went up on the piano every year.  She would scotch tape the incoming greeting cards to the back of the front door. She used a white sheet (they were all white) as a tree skirt.  

Very minimal, not much to write home about, but my Christmas’s were magical.  The atmosphere was there even if the elaborate trappings weren’t.

One year my kids griped so much about lights that my husband decorated the house — it resembled a runway at Dallas Love Field.  We only did that once or twice because it tended to blind the neighbors across the street.

Nobody I knew, at the time, went to the lengths (and expense) that people do today to deck the halls.  We were all post WW2 kids living in post WW2 housing, in middle class neighborhoods and people just didn’t have the money and honestly, there wasn’t the availability of these decor items.  

So, how do I, the person on the fence, manage the season?

Every year I think to myself “I am going to go all out” and then, I don’t.  My big problem is storage of said items.  I could think of it as disposable but it is all a little too spendy for that.  So, whatever I buy I have to figure out where to put it up.  

About 30 years ago I made a wreath, meaning I took an artificial wreath, added a ready made red bow, some felt gingerbread men and a couple of  seasonal “pics” and that thing has been going strong ever since.

Now, it is a little dark so I decided I was going to string these tiny lights on it — well, that isn’t going to happen because the wire the lights are attached to are so fine and twisty I can’t figure out how to do it so the wreath is on the door in all it’s dark glory.  Our house is at the end of the cul-de-sac and honestly, it always looks so sad because there is nothing lit up but… is what it is.

Early fall I bought two plant stands to add some floral interest to the porch.  I have added some faux poinsettas that I have had for about 20 years.  This might be their last year.  They are looking more shabby than chic.  But, they are out there now.

For my Christmas tree I have decided to use a Scandi wooden dowel tree to showcase my Hallmark ornaments.  Much smaller than my very tall, fluffy, green, lit tree residing cozily in its box in the garage.  The skirt was purchased on sale a couple of years ago and the Santa was one I just had to have, purchased at the same time.  The tree came with a bunch of Scandi style ornaments but I opted to stay with my Hallmark plan.  Of course, the Christmas village is the focal point and that is not my thing - the hubs will deal with that when he gets the notion.

So, what had made me make the decisions I have made about decor?

Age and mobility — I just can’t climb around and crawl around and all that anymore.  Nobody helps be decorate the big tree and it is just too exhausting and difficult so, this year is our first Scandi Christmas!

Expense — we are retired and both of us raised in a time and with parents that frivilousness (is that a word) took a back seat to the practical.  With me the practical always wins out and I really need to stop fighting it.  Plus, I find that I really enjoy having the things around me that have sentimental meaning rather than what is trending this year at Hobby Lobby.  You will see what I mean later.

Storage Space — This is always an issue and it just seems counter productive to keep buying stuff when I am trying hard to declutter. 

Am I adding anything this year?  Am I decorating at all beyond what I have mentioned?  Why yes, I am and I will share photos when I am done.  It isn’t anything major either pricewise or size wise and won’t be an issue to put up or put away.  I am learning that small and steady is the way to go.

So, yeah, no pics today but I will share some with things get pulled together.  I really wish Bean was home from school because she is going to be the one to decorate the tree.

See you soon!


Granny Marigold said...

I'm sorry I've missed so many posts. My only excuse is that it's been rather busy around here. DH has had some medical tests done, Sheila had her birthday, and I've been decorating the house. I'm just not as able to get things done as I once was.
I'm glad you're feeling better after taking those meds. It's amazing how fast you got in at the clinic. That is a rare thing.
Thank you for the anniversary wishes. I'm amazed to think I'm old enough to have been married this long.
Have a good rest-of-the-week. GM

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Oh, Granny, no need for apology! My blog has been inaccessible since the 14th! I was looking at privacy settings and apparently I turned off the public notification and didn’t realize it so nobody could even look at it. I had to enlist Mary Dawson and my son to help me figure it out but it seems to be fixed now. You have been a busy girl! I know what you mean about not being able to do thinks like you used to — me eithe! But, don’t feel bad about missing my posts — you couldn’t have gotten to them if you had tried because I had an oopsie!

New Decor — So Overwhelming!

 Feeling pretty good these days and we are in my absolute favorite season so I want to make the most of it and not waste a second of it so I...