Saturday, January 27, 2024

Before and After

 So you don’t have to wait — here are the before and after photos —

Trixie after her spa day and in her new car seat

Before her spa day — she looks like a bear

This was the first time in her new car seat and she fussed for the whole 15 minute drive to the groomer.  However, on the way home she figured out she could actually sit down, be quiet and enjoy the scenery.

She is now down for the count. 

Apparently she behaved well and it was a winning situation!


Granny Marigold said...

Trixie looks like a whole different pup after her grooming. I'm glad it went well.

Billie Jo said...

She looks lovely! Good for her!

What’s Up for the New Week —

 It is Saturday and it appears we are emerging from the arctic freeze we have been experiencing.  I am sure I have mentioned here that I am ...