Thursday, February 01, 2024

Good Morning! Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood!

 It has been gorgeous here the last couple of days in my little corner of the world.  The temp has been in the mid 70’s, the sky a beautiful blue, the breeze mild and all is right in my world except —

One thing —

Night before last I slept like a stone. I don’t think I moved all night.  When I got up (actually surprised I COULD get up) my left leg was in sad shape.  My knee was really hurting and my thigh felt like I had done a half day worth of lunges.  My calf muscle was also really tight.  I got up and took the excedrin like I do every morning and hobbled about muttering unspeakable things under my breath.

We went to Target.  More hobbling.  Finally —


I iced my knee for about 2 hours! It finally felt better but my thigh still hurt — reminiscent of when I was expecting my first little bundle of joy and had severe sciatica pain.  I did a google search to see if arthritis could cause sciatica and by golly, yes it can. 

So, here we are.

It is almost 6:30 a.m. on a Thursday morning and here I sit with a cup of green tea, an unhelpful dog and an ice bag on my knee.  It seems like all the pain is coming from the knee so that seems the most to put the ice unless I filled the tub with ice and just put the whole me into it.  

Anyway, that is the state of me today — not looking promising, is it?  

I will leave you with this —

Have a great day, all! I am going to go sit out in the sun while we still have it!

1 comment:

Granny Marigold said...

I'm sorry your knee and leg are giving you such problems. I hope the ice helps and the pain will recede.

What’s Up for the New Week —

 It is Saturday and it appears we are emerging from the arctic freeze we have been experiencing.  I am sure I have mentioned here that I am ...