Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy New Years Eve!

 Yes, New Years Eve when our thoughts go to what we want to see in the new year, what we learned from the old year and how we have changed — or not. 

 I saw a “reel” on. Facebook the other day titled “My house is tidy — not clean” and I thought to myself — now that is a concept I can get my head around so I am going to think about being tidier in the new year and not worry so much about being spotless clean.  I mean, my repeated complaint to the Hubs is “you can’t clean around clutter” so possible, if I just keep tidying up the cleaning will take care of itself.  

Hope springs eternal.

Speaking of being tidy — I visited my craft area this morning and became totally overwhelmed.  I got quite a lot of crafting goodies so I wanted to get them organized! Hahahaha!  Ok, so I went upstairs which is no small feat for me and sat at my desk which is actually a large workbench (Gorilla brand) that my husband bought me for crafting.  It is lovely and wide and long and very, very heavy — if we ever move it will have to be sold with the house.  I digress.

You would think that I could keep it organized, wouldn’t you?  Well, here is the state of the bench this morning after being left in disarray for months — 

So, that is going to require some tending to.  But I decided to go ahead and tackle the gift box — All my gifts came from Amazon and I just gathered them in one box.  

I  had great fun unloading it all — most of it I found on Natalie Bowers videos which look very useful and that I didn’t have.  Now the problem of how to organize it looms large.  So I made a start and need a large trash bag up there now so I can clear the trash from the useful  clutter.  I am hoping to make things better so I don’t have to spend so much time looking for things — sort of like my kitchen but that is another whole story.

So, anyway, I am hoping to start churning out some cards quite soon.  I have a boy birthday in January and a graduation in May — I already have an idea for a graduation card and I bought the die for it already and hopefully it will turn out as I imagine.  I will let you know.  Here is a photo of the last card I made last May when Bean graduated from the 8th grade and was going off to high school — rather plain but I liked it made up in the school colors ==

  And, since I get up SO early in the morning I have decided to make use of that time in a better way.  I usually just end up scrolling and watching facebook videos, trying to be quiet since Hubs is still asleep but I dove into my book this morning and got some reading done.  That was good because that is another thing I would like to be more consistent with and trying to read in bed before sleep just doesn’t always go well for me — five words in and I am down for the count.

Anyway, I will be sorting my desk top this evening but I am looking forward to hearing all of your NYE plans!  You will know where I will be if you need me!


Granny Marigold said...

Happy New Year and happy organizing all your new ( and old) "stuff". We dropped some things off at the thrift store this morning and I had to browse a bit. I found 2 pair of black pull-on slacks to replace some that shrunk over Christmas :)

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Isn’t it amazing how the holidays have that effect on our clothes?

What’s Up for the New Week —

 It is Saturday and it appears we are emerging from the arctic freeze we have been experiencing.  I am sure I have mentioned here that I am ...