Wednesday, January 01, 2025

A New Day, a New Year and Apparently a New Generation

 Happy New Year, all!  I don’t know about you but I am well and truly glad the boom booms are over.  This is what it sounded like behind my house at about 11:30 last night.

I didn’t get up to look but I am sure it didn’t look like this — just lots of old-lady-waking and dog-disturbing noise.  Don’t blame my disdain on my advanced age.  I never liked fireworks, was always terrified of fire and the time my family handed me a sparkler to hold at about age 3  left me traumatized.  So, it isn’t only the dog….ANYWAY, they didn’t continue too long, I didn’t stay awake and the house didn’t burn down with the things landing on the roof so I would say it was an ok night.

Apparently, according to Google — today marks the beginning of a new generation.  Generation Alpha is now passe and we are on to something else.  I don’t know the name of the new generation because I am stuck on “boomer” it seems.  Fitting since I am a boomer — every generation since then just gets muddled in my brain.  Not even sure what my children are — 1975-79 — do you?  Hmm..and the bigger question is — does it even matter?  I think not.

So, onward and upward to a new day in a new year.  It seems people like to have a buzzword to describe what they want to have happen in the new year.  My buzzword is to be “accomplish”.  Now, I don’t mean “accomplish” like in curing cancer or going to the moon or any such shenanigans as that.  My “accomplish” has more to do with my other new, favorite word — tidy.  I would like to accomplish “tidy” and “finishing started projects” like being more organized with my cross stitch thread and sorting the magazines properly.  Not looking for great acclaim here, just a tidy kitchen table.  So, my goal today is to — be tidier.

So, how did my new day of the new year begin?  Have I already “accomplished” something.  Why yes, I have thank  you.  I organized my new planner.  In an earlier post I mentioned how I am going to a new, larger planner (Erin Condren) in an effort to have all my record keeping in one spot. It is larger which is inconvenient but it does allow me to keep everything in one place and it also allows me a bit of space, not too much, to be creative.  

I told you about my daughter’s planner and how she decorates and makes it her own.  She added the date stickers to make the dates more visible and I thought that was a good idea so I did the same.  Then she found these really cute little bird stickers and I love birds so, you guessed it, I bought some as well.  As you can see, not a lot of original thought going on here.  The birthday sticker came from the collection of stickers that came with the planner.

Now, my daughter loves collages and had dedicated two pages each month to collaging.  

She chooses photos and words that “speak” to her and they are lovely, like her own little Pinterest pages. I am going to do mine differently.  I am only going to devote one page to the effort and I am going to include things that are actually personal to me.  For instance, at church each Christmas we have the opportunity to put flowers on the altar in memory of loved ones or in thanksgiving. It is then announced in the bulletin.  My daughter did this honor her father in law, her grandparents, special cousins etc who has passed on and in thanksgiving for us and her mother in law.  I found it to be hugely touching so I will be adding that mention in the bulletin in my collage page.  They also added some cute Christmas images that I saw as a coloring opportunity which I will add as well.  I might not fill the page each month but I want it to be intentional and meaningful.  I haven’t got a picture of that though because I left the paper upstairs — I will share later when I drag my crippy self up there and glue it in the book.

In other accomplishments — oh wait, there are no other accomplishments thus far (it is only 7 a.m.) — I will have to get back to you on that….


Granny Marigold said...

What a great beginning. I'm afraid I didn't do anything more than choose an empty notebook for this year's journal. Maybe tomorrow when DH goes back to his volunteer job and the house is less busy I'll think about decorating it.

Melissa said...

I had never really thought of decorating my planners, they were just utilitarian in my mind but it is actually fun and sort of makes you more aware of the planner as a tool. Hopefully decorating it will help me stay with it.

What’s Up for the New Week —

 It is Saturday and it appears we are emerging from the arctic freeze we have been experiencing.  I am sure I have mentioned here that I am ...