yes, if she were a teenager she would be stomping out of the room, slamming doors and muttering “Moooooom” under her breath for I have well and truly ruined her life.
What could I possibly have done to my little fur girl? Well….
I have put her on a DIET. Don’t tell her the word “diet” contains the word “die” — she wouldn’t believe me anyway because she isn’t a very good speller but I am afraid if she doesn’t lose some weight that is exactly what might happen. Even her groomer said she was struggling yesterday. So….
She has been cut off. I am revising her diet and cutting down on the treats. She eats too many treats and loves table food. It is my bad, I know, and I am trying to fix it.
She isn’t happy with me —
Tell her that your bloggy friends understand your doggy friend but we have to side with her Mummy on this occasion.
Poor Trixie. No way she can understand that losing weight is for her own benefit. Stay determined, even when she gives you those pathetic looks.
I will tell her. Actually she hasn’t been begging for treats all day like usual but I suspect that has to do with a sore paw. If’s not one thing it is another!
I am trying but she is so good at those pathetic looks
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