Monday, February 24, 2014

Today -- So Far

Today has been a truly odd day for me.  I have been down in the dumps for a couple of days -- don't know why -- perhaps the weather changing back to cold and dreary -- I don't know but I decided that I was not going to let today be a repeat of the last couple.

So I decided to get up and actually DO something.  Lately I have actually been DOING things more than usual for me.  I have a good amount of energy and am having trouble sitting still so it isn't so odd that I wanted to do something, it was WHAT I chose to do that made my husband frown and want to check my temperature.

What was it, you ask?  I wanted to go outside.  Now, anybody who knows me that I don't play well with the outdoors.  I am allergic to everything on the planet, I seem to be a snake magnet and I worry a lot about the little "gifts' in the yard left for me by some sort of animal.  That is what worries me -- we live in a very fenced, gated area and I don't have an animal so.....yes, I am afraid of raccoons. Anyway, I went outside and took a good look at the wretched garden.  Hopefully this latest cold snap will be the last and we will be able to do something about the garden.  However, even with everything pretty much dead, the mint wouldn't give up the ghost -- unfortunately.

The mint patch -- quite dead?
Not quite -- here is the new growth

I then walked around to the side of the house to find our crab apple tree sprouting all these lovely little leaves.

Such a shame because I know we will have one more freeze

I then came into the house and announced to the Hubs that I wanted to take a stroll.  That really blew him away.  We live in a very small housing development with only about 75 houses -- if that many -- I will have to count them.  There is a central gate that divides the neighborhood and we live at one end.  If you walk from our drive to the other end of the neighborhood and back it is approximately 1/2 mile.  I chose to walk to the gate because between the perusing of the back garden and the declaration that I would be taking a walk, the temperature dropped about 10 degrees and the wind picked up.  So, we made it to the gate and back again and that squelched my desire for a walk.  My husband is still scratching his head, however, over my desire to actually leave the confines of my house to commune with nature.

We then left the house to do a couple of errands.  We went to the bank and then to Half Price Books.

Half Price Books is my first line of defense when it comes to book buying.  I know I should be using the library but it is farther away and that requires me remembering that I need to return books.  My memory seems to be in a bit of a fragile state right now so I try not to stress it out more than necessary.  At any rate, I went in with a list and got most of what I went after but not all.  Here is my haul.

I also wanted a copy of "The Screwtape Letters" but they didn't have one so I will buy it for my Nook.  They did have a copy of "Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker" but it was only $5 less than retail and I think I would like it in paperback.

So, that has been my day, thus far.  Now, I am going to have lunch and read until it is time to pick up the Bean from school.  I wonder if, by then, I am going to need a coat?


Jane and Chris said...

Oooh what's the Julian Fellowes like?
Jane x

Boyett-Brinkley said...

It is about two friends who reconnect in later life. Apparently they are friends in the "Swinging 60's" in London and thre is a baby involved. I haven't started it yet but I am sure it is going to be good. Lady Antonia Fraser (?) says that Julian Fellows is the Noel Coward of our day. Sounds good to me!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...