Saturday, September 08, 2018

Saturday 9

Time for another Saturday 9.  I don't copy and paste well -- not my strong suit.  Oh well, here we go.


Gotta Travel On

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme! 

Saturday 9: Gotta Travel On (1959)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, the Billy Grammer sings that "summer's almost gone, winter's coming on." When you look out your window, do you see any evidence that the seasons are changing?

Not really except that hurricane season is in full bloom and we are getting a lot of rain.

2) He admits he has laid around and played around for too long. Do you consider lazy days to be wasted days?

Sort of.  My husband is retired and our days have sort of morphed into a no-routine hot mess.  I like routine.

3) Billy relaxed by fishing. Tell us about a visit you made to a pier, or a ride you took on a boat, this past year. (Bonus points if you went fishing!)

Zero, zip, nada

4) Born in 1925, Mr. Grammer was the eldest of 13 children. He and his wife Ruth were childless. What do you think is the ideal size for a family? 

Depends on the family.  I am thinking that fielding a team might not be good but since that wasn't my goal, I really can't speak for others.

5) This song was very popular on juke boxes back in 1959. When were you last in a bar or restaurant that had a juke box? Did you play it?

no clue so no I didn't

6) In 1959, movie tickets zoomed up in price to $1.00 and Ben Hur was the big blockbuster. What's the last movie you saw in a theater? Do you remember how much the ticket cost?

We really don't go to movie theaters much and I can't tell you the last time -- maybe to see The Secret Life of Pets.   I did see Ben Hur in the theater in 1959 though -- I remember it well.  That chariot race was grueling.

7) Huckleberry Hound was a hit with the younger audience in 1959. What cartoon did you enjoy as a kid? 

I wasn't a big cartoon fan but I did like comic books

8) In 1959, continuing dramas (soap operas) were still broadcast each day on the radio. When you turn on the radio, do you listen for talk, news, or music?   

I don't listen to the radio much -- my bad -- but I do have an internet radio that I like to listen to BBC4 -- The Archers.  When I was still at home my mother and I would listen to Mystery Theater at night before bed -- I always fell asleep before it was over and never heard the end of one of those programs.  That was in 1972.

9) Random question -- Which competition would you rather judge: The Pillsbury Bake Off, The Miss America Pageant, or Dancing with the Stars? 

Pillsbury Bake Off


The Gal Herself said...

How cool that you saw Ben Hur on the big screen!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

yes, I was 9. It was one of those big "epic' movies -- 3 or 4 hours. I went with my mom, my cousin and my aunt. It was really good -- then. Now, well, it is still good but if it were being made today with all the special effects and things available, I am sure it would be even better.

Nonnie said...

I got to see Ben Hur at the theater when they showed it again in the late 60's. I love that movie and it may be one of my all time favorites. I was thinking they did a re-make a couple of years ago and we went to see it. You can't beat Charlton Heston and Steven Douglas.

Nonnie said...

Yes, I checked. I was thinking we saw this.

Lori said...

Hi! Not many of us are seeing signs of autumn. Maybe soon. Hee hee.
Oh, I loved it when I would hear stories on the radio, it is not really a thing of my generation, but I would hear one every now and then traveling. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!

CountryDew said...

I check out radio shows from the library occasionally. My favorite is the HG Wells one about the "martian" invasion, the one that originally scared half of the US because it was so well done.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

No routine hot mess.. I like that.
I used to listen to The Shadow, The Lone Ranger, and many others on the radio. It was fun.
Comic book exchanges with my young aunts and cousins and their neighborhood friends were a lot more fun than cartoons on TV which came a lot later.
Have a sweet week. Enjoy your smaller routines.. having said that, I will now go fold a laundry load.

Stacy said...

My mom and I usually watch Ben Hur when it's on around Easter. This year I finally got her to watch the newer version. Have you seen it? It's a bit different, but good....just imagine that chariot scene with today's special effects!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...