Saturday, February 12, 2022

Kitchen Declutter

 It has begun.  The epic kitchen declutter of 2022.  I believe in keeping and storing what we need in an appropriate amount. Nobody on the planet needs three pancake turners in a home kitchen. Did I mention I have about six rolling pins?  

Moving on, I also believe in storing things where you use them.  Hubs is in the kitchen with me (yikes) and we did have to negotiate where to store the oatmeal making supplies.  He wants them on the counter  I don’t.  We agreed to make space in the cabinet next to the stove.  This is like governmental negotiation.  He is managing to let me re-home my things but not so flexible with his things  

More to follow.


Granny Marigold said...

Good for you keeping your kitchen neat and uncluttered. I don't like too many things kept on the counter either.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Oh, Granny, this kitchen is a hot mess and my husband is a hoarder. We actually had words over a 1/3 cup measuring cup!

Angela said...

Keep going! I too am in a similar situation. I have a lidded plastic box containing "rarely used cutlery" (like the pickle fork, melon baller and cherry stoner) all used a few times a year but not enough to justify space in the everyday cutlery drawer. And we are being ruthless about duplicates. My mixer stays - but the spiralizer has gone

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi,Angela! Good to know I am not alone! I have found things that I didn’t remember having. And duplicates?!!! Oh my. I have a big stand mixer so the hand mixer is going. I have to make things easier on myself as I age and my mobility is waning. Unfortunately my husband thinks once you purchase something it should be kept forever. Needless to say we don’t agree.

New Decor — So Overwhelming!

 Feeling pretty good these days and we are in my absolute favorite season so I want to make the most of it and not waste a second of it so I...